My day at work
My day at work is an interactive workshop that maps employees‘ preferences for different types of work areas for a selection of activities. The purpose of the workshop is partly to give the employees the opportunity to reflect on their needs when carrying out various activities, partly to collect data for the diversification of the workplace.

The workshop takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and can be completed in groups of up to 50 participants. The workshop can be conducted either physically or digitally and all responses are collected through a digital poll tool.
To be able to carry out the workshop, you need to order materials for the workshop. The material consists of a deck of cards containing approximately 25 different environments and a game board.
The order includes 15 copies of both deck and the game board. The material can be marked with the organization’s logo. The material can be reused for several projects. Welcome to contact us for more information about the interactive workshop My Day at work in the form below.

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